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Do you care about this issue? Whores Canton lobbying Whores Canton international NGOs and overseas commentators, Whores Canton is not much support for legalisation of the sex sector by the public, social organizations or the government of the PRC. Bernadette kleine Registered User You have to understand. Pan Suiming contends that China has a specific type of prostitution that entails a bargain between those who use their power and authority in government to obtain sex and those who use sex to obtain privileges. Used primarily by people of Latino descent. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press Closed Clean up this city!

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A reader wrote to a popular Canton pictorial to express his simple view of prostitutes: they would 'love' their clients only if being treated 'properly' by them. The latest Tweets from Canton Whores (@canton_whores). Anoche se escucharon puros cuetazos afuera de mi canton ese. means two things, 1) you dont know who your father is. and 2) your mother is a crack whore.